VC1000 Van Crane Helps Transport Auto Parts in Rockville, MN.

Product News

20161025_113227VC1000 Van Crane Helps Transport Auto Parts in Rockville, MN.  A very big thank you to Aaron Miller, Bob Witzmann and Cole at Automotive Parts Specialists in Rockville, Minnesota for allowing me to tag along with them on their parts deliveries and pick-ups. The VC1000 Van Crane did its job all the way up to Fargo, ND!

Purchased as a feature for their delivery van, APS utilized the crane for pickup of vehicle engines, axles and other automotive parts.  With a capacity of 1,000 LBS, the VC1000 was able to easily transport any of these large items in and out of the van.

The van used was a 2016 Ford Transit 250 High-Roof which easily accommodated the van crane and emphasized the benefits of this crane which include easy stowage, simple operation and multiple reach points outside of the van.