Foot-Pound Rating
Foot-Pound Rating — based on Foot-Pound Rating or (FT-LB) required. To find out what the foot pound rating should be —find out the weight of the max load that will be lifted & what would be the max distance that load will be moved away from the center line of the crane—Using those two numbers you can determine Foot-Pound Rating by multiplying those numbers together — the resulting number would be the foot-pound rating of the size of the crane needed.
Note: Venturo HT and ET cranes are numbered in FT-LB Ratings—ie—ET12 is 12,000 FT-LB crane / HT25 is a 25,000 FT-LB crane / HT50 is 50,000 FT-LB rated crane; etc.
Some HT & ET models have the same max lifting capacity ratings:
- HT25 & ET25 — max lifting capacity of 5000 lbs. @ 5 feet from the center line of the crane.
- HT30 & ET30 — max lifting capacity of 5000 lbs. @ 6 feet from the center line of the crane.
- HT40 & ET36 — max lifting capacity of 6000 lbs. @ 6 feet from the center line of the crane.
Example 1:Maximum weight capacity needed: 5,000 LBS
Distance of 10 FT away from the center line of the crane.
5,000 LBS x 10 FT = 50,000 FT-LBS
Crane Needed: 50,000 FT-LB Venturo HT50KX
Example 2:
Maximum weight capacity needed: 1,390 LBS
Distance of 8 FT away from the center line of the crane.
1,390 LBS x 8 FT = 11,120 FT-LBS
Crane Needed: 12,000 FT-LB Venturo ET12K(X)
Example 3:
Maximum weight capacity needed: 2,100 LBS
Distance of 11 FT away from the center line of the crane.
2,100 LBS x 11 FT = 23,100 FT-LBS
Crane Needed: 25,000 FT-LB Venturo ET25KX(X) or HT25KX